Friday, October 28, 2011

Players Upset With Paying $10 For A Haunted Caludron

"I'm very upset they would want simcash for a skills item, I do not have money to invest in the game, it would be nice if I did but RL is by far more important. I understand premium items costing simcash and if I had the money to spend there are a few things I would love to have. But out of principle I would not even spend simcash on a skill item. I think this was sad and even a bit dirty that you have done this. It makes me want to just close the game out right now cause at the moment it is not fun at all, all my enjoyment has been taken away!" - Jadeilyn

"Oh well, I guess we could have seen this one coming.... I'm not surprised they did this really. Judging from their other games, this fits perfectly with EA/Playfish policy.

Lure the suckers with some nice free items then slap them with a price tag if they want to 'complete the set' mentality. Which is, in my opinion, perfectly fine for a freemium game. That's how they make money. Is it a dirty move? Well yeah, but as much as I disapproved, I can't really be that mad at them. 

The problem, however, is the price you have to pay for an item, in a buggy game that's, let's face it, never going to leave the 'beta' stage (since no Playfish game ever does, after years and years), with a customer service that is by far one of the worst I've come across, unfortunately.

10$ for such item VS a standalone downloadable game on PC, Wii, iOS or whatever system? Really a no-brainer. I guess I'll have to live without the fancy cauldron" - Briker

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